Saturday, May 19, 2012

Magnolia Tree-March 21, 2012

Magnolia tree, taken on March 21, 2012. In bloom, already? warming...doubt it. I'm a bit of a weather nerd. I check a lot and I like to keep updated on the big weather events. For like a week or so starting on March 14 we been having high 70's and 80's and those temps are 40+ even above average. Now this warm spell didn't go on in April, however, some days were warmer than the average.

Enough with the little details, now about this tree. I love seeing this tree in bloom, but I also have a personal attachment to this tree growing up. I used to climb this tree fairly often living in the house I grew up in. Age 5-16 I think I got to big because the branches weren't as strong as some tree's could be. It usually bloomed around May 16, my sisters Birthday, and it was in bloom for a week then the petals would fall off.

This is from my school on EMU, I may have the tree that I grew up with somewhere in this computer and I'll post it when I do come across it.

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