Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Inside The Cabin

I believe this is a picture from my phone, a Sprint Samsumg qwerty phone. This is a huge upgrade from my other phone in many ways, but one way is the camera mode. It has a better 1.3MP camera and many shooting modes including color tones, where is tone is Sepia. I liked how it turned out, even though it is not a powerful camera, it still manages to take fair pictures. If I'm not using my own camera, I'll use my phone for easy travel. Plus, my Nikon does not have color tones which I tend to use now and then. This is a picture of inside my parents cabin.

Fujifilm Digital SLR Camera

Fujifilm Digital SLR Camera
I had the opportunity to use a very high end profession camera because I was asked to be a photographer at my sister's best friend wedding reception. I had a week to just mess around with the camera, using all the features and see how they work before the big day. I had a lot of fun taking these pictures. The picture quality was so much better than what I was use to, it really made me think if there was something to this. The green of the bushes and trees were deeper than my Nikon Coolpix could ever go. I have some more pictures that I can and will post later.

Canon PowerShot ELPH 320

I'm stumped, pun intended. My camera is pretty good, but it is just a little old right now, I'm I might want something better. I have a Nikon Coolpix L20 at the moment that I brought on ebay for $40. It takes great pictures like this one above, but I know I can do better for not a lot of money.

On a camera website, I found a killer camera for just $250 Free Shipping.

Canon PowerShot ELPH 320 HS Digital Camera, 16.1MP CMOS Sensor, Built-in WIFi, 24mm Wide Angle 5x Optical Zoom lens, 3.2 inch Touch Screen, Blue

I saw a video on it, and it looks just amazing! My nature pictures would be several time better quality than this camera. Note that I still love my Nikon since I buy it in January of 2011. I used a high end camera in the past and I will post them later because I love how the pictures turned out.

The site is below:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Muskegon River

The Muskegon River - It is the river that is in the backyard at our cabin connected by the Hersey River. I have so much fun in that river, my family and I go canoeing during certain parts of the year and we love it. I love just standing outdoors by the river and just watch the water flow by. I love taking picture and great scenic views such as this.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Honda Civic

This is my mom's car. It is a Honda Civic year 2008. This vehicle is partiality unique because it runs on CNG or compressed natural gas. This gas burns cleaner than regular gas in gas stations and gets 35mpg. We have to find special places to fuel it up, which is a pain that it's not everywhere. My dad got it in New York and drove it up to Michigan, which was quite a story because the CNG stations were spaced apart so he just had enough fuel to make to between each one. Near Sandusky Ohio, there was one, but not opened to the public, so he ran out of fuel. My uncle with a trailer got him home. Despite all that, we love the vehicle, it's very comfortable.


This is my little niece, Eleanor, of 9 months, (at the time of the picture) she is about 10 1/2 months now. She makes me proud to be an uncle. She loves me, and I love her. A babies smile does make a people so happy, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Leaning Trees

Leaning trees-That is what my family and I call them because a series of trees were blown by a wind storm. We don't know how long is was, but ever since I remember they were like that. On are way up to our cabin on  75 near St. John, this particular row of trees became very important to us.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Magnolia Tree-March 21, 2012

Magnolia tree, taken on March 21, 2012. In bloom, already? warming...doubt it. I'm a bit of a weather nerd. I check a lot and I like to keep updated on the big weather events. For like a week or so starting on March 14 we been having high 70's and 80's and those temps are 40+ even above average. Now this warm spell didn't go on in April, however, some days were warmer than the average.

Enough with the little details, now about this tree. I love seeing this tree in bloom, but I also have a personal attachment to this tree growing up. I used to climb this tree fairly often living in the house I grew up in. Age 5-16 I think I got to big because the branches weren't as strong as some tree's could be. It usually bloomed around May 16, my sisters Birthday, and it was in bloom for a week then the petals would fall off.

This is from my school on EMU, I may have the tree that I grew up with somewhere in this computer and I'll post it when I do come across it.

Oil Refinery

I took this picture in Detroit, or as we like to call it "The Motor City". Where would we be without oil that our cars run on? Nowhere as of yet because new forms of energy to power cars are still being in the works. The gas that we get from the gas stations are not good for the air, but there is nothing we can do. Public transportion is great if you live in the big city, but where I come from, that is not an option. This plant is giving 1,000's of jobs in Michigan and that is what we need.